Green transition

Driving Northern Sweden towards a sustainable future


Green Transition North is an ambitious investment comprising 13 sub-projects in the field of smart energy systems and circular economy in northern Sweden. The project is implemented in close cooperation with large industry and small and medium-sized enterprises in the region.


  • Increase SME participation, readiness and capacity to contribute to green change
  • Connect innovation environments and societal change with research and innovation activities 
  • Use advanced technologies in smarter ways


Green Transition North is a collaboration between researchers and 15 of the leading companies in the field of green industrial transition, including LKAB, Northvolt, H2 Green Steel, Uniper, ABB, Hitachi Energy, Skellefteå Kraft, Pite Energi, Luleå Energi, Bodens Energi, Vattenfall , Ericsson, Hexatronic, AFRY and Lumire. Together we strive for a sustainable future for northern Sweden.

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